How to play with your child and help develop their speech and language skills at the same time!

The beginning developmental years of your child go by so fast. Before you know it,  they’re making eye contact with you and talking to you! While you are soaking in these  special days with your child, there are skills you can model to aid in their speech and  language development, all during play! 

Within the first two years, your child should be attempting/developing sounds like: H, P,  N, D, M, B, and W. Also, they should be making requests, shaking their heads yes and  no, and identifying body parts! As a parent, what are activities we can do in order to  help provide a fun environment for our child to learn? 

Bubbles: this is a fun way to introduce new words like: more, again, please, go

Books: interactive books are a great tool to engage your child! Instead of asking, “What  is this?”, feel free to name the object and describe it! 

Farm animals and/or cars: you can model different environmental sounds (animal  noises, car noises) in order to expand your child’s ability to imitate 

Songs: sing with your child! Children can learn a lot through singing familiar nursery  rhymes (Old McDonald, Wheels on the Bus) 

The most important thing to remember is to have fun! Your child is not expecting you to  be perfect. These beginning years are so crucial to your child’s development, so  understanding how to play and teach your child is a great skill to practice.