Unsure If Your Child Will Benefit From Speech Therapy?

As your little one is growing, there are certain skills they will develop. There are so many changes! Just within the first year, your child is engaging more with you and starting to say a few words! So how do you know when your child needs an assessment? 

Here are some early signs that indicate your child may benefit from an assessment:

0-3 months: not smiling or making eye contact

4-7 months: not babbling

7-12 months: making only a few words. No gestures are present (pointing, waving)

7 months to 2 years old: not showing understanding of what others say

12-18 months: only saying a few words 

18 months-2 years old: not putting two words together

2 years old: saying < 50 words

2-3 years old: trouble playing and talking with other children

If you find the characteristics listed above apply to your child, it is okay! All this means is it will be beneficial to reach out to your health care provider or pediatrician. Understanding what simple skills your child will develop will help you determine if they can benefit from early intervention. Early intervention is important to ensure you can adapt strategies to introduce to your child to aid in their development.