Make Thanksgiving Sensory Friendly


As we are in the holiday season, there are many exciting things to look forward to. This season can also be very overwhelming for some children. As Thanksgiving approaches, here are a few helpful tips to create a sensory-friendly Thanksgiving!

1. Cook together: Prepare your child for the foods you may be cooking for Thanksgiving. Have them cook with you and explore, smell, touch, and maybe even taste some foods they may not be used to eating.

2. Contactless greetings: Because this time means seeing a lot of friends and family, this also means a lot of greetings. This can be overwhelming to some children, especially around people they are not used to seeing. To make your child feel more comfortable, try switching out a typical hug for something with less contact. This could include a casual fist bump, high five, or wave.

3. Establish a quiet zone: Holidays and gatherings often means that a lot of people will be together at once. This can easily be over-stimulating to children. Establish a quiet area (i.e., room) that your child can go to if they are feeling overwhelmed.

4. Think about food in advance: Thanksgiving can be difficult for picky eaters. If you are traveling to an unfamiliar place for Thanksgiving, try your best to have a few sides or dishes that your child will eat, especially if your child has specific food preferences, or food aversions.