Importance of Outdoor Play for Children

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It’s summer time! It is also an excellent reminder for us that outdoor play is vital for child development as it allows children to improve their spatial recognition and simply understand environmental tendencies. Outdoor play improves physical development. Physical development skills are important for growth, physical coordination, and the movement of the body. Mastering gross motor milestones help make fine motor milestones stronger and more precise. Playing outdoors increases the ability to balance, jump, climb, throw, run, and skip.

Outdoor play also increases social development. Children gain social skills by interacting, negotiating, and implementing imaginative play skills with other kids. Being outside is also so important for a child’s brain. The sunlight ensures the child gets vitamin D which helps bone growth, muscle function, and timing of puberty. The bright light from the sun helps kids to concentrate and enhances the formation of the synapses in the brain. Outdoor play boosts activity level and benefits a child's overall cognitive performance. This is also great because kids need cardiovascular exercise for the promotion of good health. 

Research shows that kids who have a strong connection with nature are typically happier and better-adjusted. Research also shows that lifelong exposure to green space may reduce a child’s risk of developing certain behavior problems like hyperactivity and attention deficit. 

Outdoor play should be implemented in every child’s daily activities as it shows great benefits to a child’s development. Along with all the benefits listed above, outdoor activities allow for children to expand their imagination and creativity. Children are given the open window of opportunity to pretend to be anything they want. This in turn allows them to feel free and accomplished while increasing the likelihood of them wanting to be outdoors. If you haven’t already, spend time outdoors. Encourage imaginative play with your child. Let them take the lead and discover all of their amazing abilities!