Sensory Activities to Try at Home


Here at Champion we want to share some more of our favorite fun activities that you can do with your kids at home. They will help you bond as a family, and provide your child with essential developmental skills! We encourage you to take these activities outside and soak up some vitamin D!

Make Home-Made Play-Doh

You will need:

  • 1 cup of flour

  • ½ cup salt

  • ½ cup water

  • Food coloring

    Mix all ingredients in a bowl. If too sticky, add flour. If too dry, add water. Roll in food
    coloring to desired color. Make lots of cool shapes. If you make a cool sculpture you’d
    like to save, bake at 200 degrees F until hard. Check about every ½ hour.

Rock Painting

It is as simple as it sounds. If your child does not already have a rock collection, gather
some around the house outside, or while on a family walk (maintaining social
distancing). Bring your collection inside and paint! You can finger paint or use brushes.

At-Home Sensory Bins

You will need:

  • Plastic Bins – at least the size of a shoe boxes

  • Fill the bins with: small rocks, sand, rice, beans, cotton balls, pasta, etc.

  • Add small toys, puzzle pieces, scoops, funnels, etc.

  • Hide the toys. Let your children find the items, Dig in the box. Make towers. Explore to
    your heart’s content.

  • Need a greater challenge? Use kitchen tongs or fine motor tongs to promote tripod grasping while searching for hidden items.

Building Contests

Use blocks, LEGOs, Duplos, etc to build whatever you or your child want. If you want to
build together as a family to avoid a contest, that works as well. Basically, have a family member pick a theme and have everyone build something that works. Just make sure to think about how you want to judge the contest. Is there one winner and loser? Categories for each winner? Great creative and have fun with this. This is also a great social-emotional game to practice winning AND losing.

Bubble Art

You will need:

  • Bubble solution (or make your own with dish soap and water)

  • Bubble Wands – use ones that come with bubbles or make your own

  • Plastic Cup/bottle- punch a hole in the bottom to blow through. Dip the
    large end and blow from the hole.

  • Pipe cleaners – create a shape and then make a handle with one end

  • A funnel

  • Drinking straws

  • White Card Stock or Printer paper

  • Small plastic cups

  • Food coloring

Pour bubble solution in each cup. Add about 5 drops of food coloring to each bowl.
Make lots of colors. Stir the color in. Lay your paper on the grass or sidewalk. Dip your
wand into the colored bubbles and blow onto the paper. As the bubbles pop, really cool
designs will form!

Have FUN with these activities! This will promote your child’s imagination and creativity. Tag us on Facebook or Instagram so we can see your amazing artwork and creative spins on these activities!