Easy Cooking Activities to Do at Home with your Kids (Simple Ingredients)  

Cooking with kids can be a really fun and inexpensive activity to do as a family. It teaches them important life skills, works on fine-motor skills, and you’ve made a meal (or snack) at the end of it.  

Tortilla Pizzas 

Set it up like an assembly line. Let each kiddo (and adult) make their own 

  • Crust: tortillas or pitas or crusty bread (like a baguette), or even store-bought crust  

  • Sauce: marinara, pesto, olive oil and garlic, barbecue  

  • Cheese  

  • Toppings! – whatever you can think of  


  1. Pre-heat your over to 425 degrees  

  2. Put the bread on a baking sheet, in a glass dish, or on a stainless-steel pan 

  3. Spread sauce evenly on the crust  

  4. Add cheese and toppings that you want  

  5. Bake for 10-14 min (when cheese is bubbling) 


  • Fruit juice / milk / yogurt  

  • Fruits and/or veggies (fresh or frozen)  

  • Add ins: cocoa powder, seeds, peanut butter and more  

  • Blender 

  1. Basically, this one is completely customizable. You can look up specific recipes online if you’d like, otherwise just add some combinations of the above ingredients together into a blender!  

  2. Try lots of different combinations and have fun with it.  

French Toast Roll Ups

Let the kids assemble the food and parents cook!  

  • Slices of sandwich bread  

  • Eggs (1 egg per 3 slices) 

  • Milk (1 teaspoon per egg)  

  • Cinnamon (as desired) 

  • Vanilla (1/4 to ½ tsp.)  

  • Extra ingredients: cream cheese, strawberries, peanut butter, banana, sausage links 

  1. Roll each slice of bread flat with a rolling pin or can or wine bottle  

  2. Put the extra ingredients in the bread and roll up  

  3. Ex: spread bread with peanut butter and add bananas and roll us  

  4. In a bowl, combine eggs, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla  

  5. Dip each roll in the egg mixture and fry in a buttered skillet  

Fruity Yogurt Parfaits  

  • Yogurt  

  • Fresh or frozen berries (or any fruit really) 

  • Granola or cereal  

  1. If needed, slice up the fruit  

  2. Put out the ingredients in individual bowls  

  3. Let kids scoop from each bowl to layer up their own parfaits  

Meat and Cheese Roll-Ups  

  • Tortillas – 6  

  • Sliced deli meat / leftover turkey or chicken breast  

  • Sliced Cheese  

  • Cream cheese  

  • Salsa (1 cup)  

  • Plastic wrap  

  1. Mix cream cheese and ½ cup of the salsa together in a bowl  

  2. Spread on tortillas  

  3. Add meat and sliced cheese in thin layers  

  4. Roll up using plastic wrap  

  5. Refrigerate for an hour  

  6. Slice up and enjoy