Five Tips To Keep Your Immune System Strong

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Our highest priority at Champion right now is keeping our patients, patient families and our team as healthy as possible. By keeping your immune system strong, you will feel better and your body will be ready to defend you against any germs that come your way. Here are some important tips to keep mindful when keeping your immune system as strong as possible.

  1. Healthy Eating: many people are stocking up on canned goods and pasta at this point in time, of course. However, keep in mind It is more important than ever to make sure that you and your family are also eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. 

  2. 30 min of Exercise Most Days: As we are all spending more time in our houses due to health concerns, it can be really easy to not exercise. Remember that exercise can be a lot of things. Go for a short walk in the neighborhood. Work on outside projects. Watch a fun workout video as a family. Have a dance party while making dinner. It can really be anything as long as you get moving. 

  3. Get Enough Sleep: even with all the recent changes, it is important to your overall health to keep a consistent sleep schedule. Remember that kids need 9 hours of sleep a night, teens need 8, and ideally parents need at least 7. Even though school isn’t happening right now, try to go to bed and wake up like it is as much as possible. 

  4. Wash Your Hands! Wash your hands multiple times a day. Wash before and after making food, after going on errands, before eating, before and after caring for someone is sick, after cleaning something dirty, and after using the restroom. That’s a lot of times to wash your hands, but it is important. Also, you should wash your hands for 20-30 seconds (that’s singing happy birthday twice) each time. 

  5. Try to Minimize Stress: As much as possible try to stay calm and patient during the upcoming days and weeks. If it works for you and your family, you might want to try yoga or have scheduled quiet time if possible. Play as a family. Take a short break: that applies to kids and parents. 

We know this time is full of uncertainty. We at Champion are here to support you however we can. Please reach out if you have any questions and/or need some ideas for what to do at home. We are in this together!