Toothbrushing Tips for Children with Sensory and Special Needs

One of the biggest struggles we hear from our parents is “he hates tooth brushing”! Or more often, “what kind of toothbrush should we be using?” or “how can I get my child to brush their teeth?” Here are some quick tips from our experts:

  1. Use an electric toothbrush. Children with special needs and sensory challenges often struggle with coordination and motor planning skills. An electric tooth brush will allow your child to be more thorough and successful when brushing. Electric toothbrushes also provide sensory input to the mouth to facilitate neutralization of oral sensory responses.

  2. Choose a toothbrush made for children. Motivate your child by using a themed toothbrush of their choice. Toothbrushes for children come in many colors, have characters on them and sometimes they even light up!

  3. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles. A soft tooth brush will gently massage the teeth and gums without any additional adverse sensory input that firm bristles might involve. Dentists often recommend using a soft bristled toothbrush. You should also consult with your child’s dentist on the best one for your child.

  4. Get your child involved and make toothbrushing FUN! Demonstrate brushing your own teeth and have your child watch. Talk about the steps involved in toothbrushing. Sing a song while your child brushes his/her teeth to encourage your child to brush thoroughly and not stop until the song is done.

The more they practice toothbrushing, the easier it becomes! These simple strategies have worked well for many of our Champion Kids and we hope they will be useful to you, too!