Career Opportunities

Champion Pediatric Therapy is proud to offer a rich, nurturing, career environment as well as the special opportunity to help you give back to others.  Our unique environment and enthusiasm reminds us daily that if you "do" what you love, you'll never "work" another day in your life!  We aim to foster ample opportunities for professional growth and development as well as practice in a fun and friendly atmosphere.  We are currently hiring board certified occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, certified occupational therapy assistants and speech therapy assistants.  If you are interested in helping children grow and develop, as well as contribute to to the unique growth and development of a new therapy experience at Champion, we'd love to hear from you!  Submit your resume below.  

Volunteer Opportunity

Champion Pediatric Therapy is grateful for our helpful volunteers!  In addition, we love giving back by contributing to the education of our therapy students.  Are you interested in a therapy career and wanting to get more experience?  We welcome volunteer observers.  Volunteers are under the direct supervision of a licensed therapist.  In addition to the invaluable observation experience they'll receive, they will also assist the therapists in clinic maintenance activities. 


Are You Ready?

Whether you're interested in an amazing career or volunteer opportunity at Champion Pediatric Therapy, we are ready to hear from you!  Please complete and submit the form below, and our office personnel will be in contact with you soon.  If interested in a career, please fill out form below AND e-mail your complete resume to championpedi@gmail.com

Please complete the form below